Monday, April 9, 2012


SO. I do tradework. If you make cool shiz, let's talk and we'll work something out. I like a lot of stuffs.








#31 This is a perfect example of a natural pair with a little boost of color. I love this idea. I can pretty much dye the feathers whatever color tickles your fancy... 
 #30 These are another example of the 3 tiers. These pair say "joy" and "peace" on the circle piece. Love eeet.

 #29 Ghooost pair. Phantom of the earrings! Soooo pretty. These are probably one of my most favorite of all pairs. Grizzly (the black and white striped ones and the all white will be the most expensive, because the feathers themselves are SUPER pricey) I sell these for $80.

 #28 Love these. These also belong to another friend. Any of these pairs I can replicate. A pair with the three tiers like these will run a bit more than the single cone.. But they are stunning. (only about 10-15 more)

 #27 these are examples of two pair that I made for my lovely friend <3